Romanian Startups Episodes

Aug. 25, 2021

Vaunt - the Complete Solution for Real-estate Business Management

In this episode of Innovators Can Laugh, I sat down with Irina Constantin, co-founder of Vaunt. We discuss her early learning struggles due to dyslexia, how she created and sold digital goods as a teenager on games like Sims, and why it's important to overcome thinking patterns that could prevent y…

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Aug. 18, 2021

This is the Euro tech startup multi-carrier shipping software you’ve …

In this episode of Innovators Can Laugh, I sat down with Daniel Nicolae, co-founder of Innoship. We discuss his experience working on transformation projects in the middle east and Africa, his career rise at Orange, and launching an advanced multi-carrier shipping software for a retails business ne…

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Aug. 11, 2021

Acertivo: the Romanian startup and therapy platform that helps you ta…

In this episode of Innovators Can Laugh, I sat down with Irina Paraschiv, founder of Acertivo. We discuss how people have a big misunderstanding when it comes to mental health, signs to look for when your mental health starts to break down, and Acertivo - the low touch therapy platform that helps p…

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Aug. 4, 2021

For people who make shoe contact before eye contact - The Hush w/ Anc…

In this episode of Innovators Can Laugh, I sat down with Anca and Sabina Sercau, founders of The Hush. We discuss what it's like starting a business while working another job full-time, how because of Covid they had to drastically shift their business model, and what differentiates their handcrafte…

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July 28, 2021

Using Avatars to help people on the autistic spectrum with Adela Barb…

In this episode of Innovators Can Laugh, I sat down with Adela Barbulescu, co-founder of Emoface. We discuss how to build the perfect work day, who'd she want on her team in an escape room, and the technology she is developing to help treat people with autism.

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July 21, 2021

Integrating all your business applications in one easy to use platfor…

Does pineapple belong on pizza? Who was the better student, Ciprian or his brother? If the zombie apocalypse was coming, who are the 3 people Ciprian would want on his team? We discuss these important topics along with what makes Ciprian Cazacu (@LinkedIn), co-founder of EasySales, thrive. A …

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July 7, 2021

A Google algorithm update killed 70% of his blog’s earnings, but that…

In this episode of Innovators Can Laugh, I sat down with Mircea Giurca, founder of Verdoo. At 22 he was on top of the world, but then hit rock bottom. Now after a few projects like creating a dating app, his latest venture is cracking the future of Sustainable Shopping and making it possible to pro…

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June 30, 2021

From Bucharest to Milan to Paris, Maria Sas is shaking up the fashion…

Let’s say you're working as a fashion designer, and you need a bit more research on how you can make your clothing, accessories, and brand more sustainable. Where could you turn to? Well Romanian startup founder, Maria Sas, has taken her design skills, entrepreneurial vision, and creativity to c…

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June 23, 2021

It’s Raining Cats, dogs with Romania’s #1 Pet Sitting Platform

In this episode of Innovators Can Laugh, I sat down with Claudia Goga, co-founder of CaretoPets. We discussed what it’s like growing a business on a shoestring budget, how she beat the competition, and why it’s important to find a mentor.

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June 16, 2021

Get 3X qualified candidates that are a good fit for your team - Lavin…

It’s not often that an applicant can have the opportunity to choose a team instead of choosing a job. So how does CV30 put company culture at the forefront for brands and a person’s career search? Lavinia Vladu didn’t have it...

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June 9, 2021

What Uber did for ride-sharing Bogdan Andronache is doing for Recycli…

Eco Tree - the new recycling platform that allows you to buy, sell, and trade any solid waste from anywhere in the world. We all use apps for food delivery, hotel reservations, and car-riding services like Uber, but did you k...

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June 3, 2021

From appearing in Jean Claude Van Damme movies as a child to creating…

It’s not every day I come into contact with a modern-day Renaissance man. Someone who has a wide interest and is good at many different things. So how does Romanian entrepreneur Alin Rosca do it? Alin Rosca ( @LinkedIn ) has ...

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May 13, 2021

Romanian AnaMaria Onica is blazing a path in modern Speech Therapy

| In this episode of Innovators Can Laugh, I sat down with AnaMaria Onica, the co-founder of Voxi Kids. We discussed her design background along with how she discovered an unmet need for the thousands of kids who don't have a...

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May 13, 2021

Romanian Raluca Stratulat is bringing a fresh perspective to Gamified…

In this episode of Innovators Can Laugh, I sat down with Raluca Stratulat, the co-founder of Izibac. We discussed her architectural and teaching background along with how she came up with the big idea of creating an applicati...

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