How to transform any surface into Carbon neutral white board paints with Yasen Rusev

Imagine you’re working as a driver in Bulgaria and one of your clients is an international business owner. After four days of chauffeuring him around, he invites you to lunch. After two hours of dialogue, he invites you to come to Vienna for a year and learn their business. So, you could come back to Bulgaria and open and manage their business in Bulgaria.
Sounds like a fairy tale right?
Well, it’s not. At least not for Yasen Rusev, co-founder of Escreo. In this conversation, Yasen takes us through his remarkable journey of entrepreneurship, from working as a driver, to participating in accelerators in Silicon Valley, to co-founding a dynamic company that can transform any surface in the world into Carbon neutral white board paints.
Join us in this conversation with Yasen who takes us through his journey and aspirations of trying to make the world a better place.
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Past guests on Innovators Can Laugh include Yannik Veys, Ovi Negrean, Arnaud Belinga, Csaba Zajdó, Dagobert Renouf, Andrei Zinkevich, Viktorija Cijunskyte, Lukas Kaminskis, Pija Indriunaite, Monika Paule, PhD, Vytautas Zabulis, Leon van der Laan, Ieva Vaitkevičiūtė.
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Imagine you're working as a driver in Bulgaria and one of your clients is an international business owner. After four days of chauffeuring him around, he invites you to lunch, and after two hours of dialogue, he invites you to come to Vienna for a year and learn their business so you could come back to Bulgaria and open and manage their business in Bulgaria.
Sounds like a fairytale, right? Well, it's not. At least not for Yasin, Russ. Co-founder of Eseo and this conversation, Jaen takes us through his remarkable journey of entrepreneurship, from working as a driver to participating in accelerators in Silicone Valley to co-founding a dynamic company that can transform any surface in the world into carbon neutral whiteboard paints.
Join us in this conversation with Yasin, who takes us through his journey and aspirations of trying to make the world a better place. Hey, you're listening to Innovators Can Laugh, The Fun Startup Podcast. I'm your host, Eric Notcher on ico. We interview an innovative entrepreneur in the European tech startup scene every week.
My goal is to have my guests share their wisdom or having the little fun in the process. Now let's dive in. Hey ya. See how you doing? Welcome to Innovators Collapse. Hey. Hey Eric. It's so nice to have me here and thank you for an in. Yeah, I'm a little bit jealous because you mentioned that you're working at a nice space that's on the beach and you, you get to hear the, the ocean waves crashing through and the nice, you know, the nice sunset and everything.
Is that, is that true? Yeah, yeah. I was there like for a couple of months here on the beach site in Bulgaria, we have uh, very like a hobby business side, business side project that's called beach. The beach is co-working space right on the beach where we are welcoming co our friends and, uh, clients. All right.
That is so nice. And the, and the seaside in Bulgaria is spectacular. We've gone twice now the past two years for long weekends, and there's a resort that we go to. It's fantastic. The kids love it. There's like eight different pools. It's right on the beach. It's all inclusive. I like it. It's much better than the, uh, the beaches here in Casta and Castanza are in Romania, at least in my opinion.
Mm-hmm. Yeah. Well, I can agree. I've, I've been to, to both places, like I've been a lot in our beach. The beach, uh, seaside, the Bulgarian seaside part, and then I've been to the Romanian as well. Like last year we went to, what was it, next to Stanza? The, the nama. Ma Yeah. Yeah. With my wife. We, we spent like a couple of days there.
We, it was also very nice, like it's, it's the same seaside, but different feeling and yeah. We, we, we have great places here, so anytime you're here again, please go me, . Yeah, I know. Definitely. Now that I know there's an office that I can work out of, I'll have to extend my stay a little bit longer.
Absolutely. Yeah. , let's do. Okay. Hey, first question for you, Yesin, is where did you grow up and how has that shaped your view of the world? Well, I grew up in a small city, like right on the border between Bulgarian, Romania, actually. On the Daniel River, on the daily coast. And the interesting thing during my childhood was that I was really good, good student until I went to the university.
When I was under the control of my parents, I was like super eight. A plus Every, every, every single time. Yeah. And another inter interesting thing is that we had a small villa outside of our, our town where we had many ACO threes and each, somewhere I remember how patiently impatiently I was waiting for these apri cuts to, to, to be ready so I can pick them mo and go to the farmer's market where I did actually one of my first sales.
Okay. And this is, Yeah, it was like I. 12, 13, 14 years old, something like that. Then when I got my first money and my parents actually, they allowed me to do that, like, because we didn't keep it for our sales, but I went to the market and I sold them all , so. Yeah, it was like the first, very first business.
Business, Yeah. Tracks when I did Did you have any specials, like any, any promotions that you recall doing, uh, with decos? No, Actually I, what I did is like, I didn't sell it myself. Like I didn't sell, I didn't have a stamp. Okay. But I went to many other, With people that were selling different stuff, but ACOs that didn't have ACOs, so I Okay.
Offer them. Okay. You can expand your portfolio of product. So you're the wholes seller. Okay. . Mys, Yeah. They were so, so many that I, I couldn't stay just like to sell them all day long and I needed to sell them fast because they're, they're not stable. Like you have to, to sell it in within a couple of days.
Yeah. So Yeah. They don't get . Yeah. That's, that's interesting thing that I remember. The other thing is like, I had super calm and easy childhood with great, great family, great parents, great friends and surroundings, and of course it shaped, It shaped what I am now. All right. All right. Yeah. My wife loves apricots.
She, she'll buy a lot of them, but no one in the house, including my kids. None of us like them except her. So it's like, why do you buy so many? Cuz you're the only one who's going to eat all of them. It's like, why don't you buy some peaches? You know, things that we like. And she's, no, she'll come home with apricots, and it's, it's very popular over here in Bulgaria to, to have apricots and not only to to eat them as a fruit, but to have this special type bought drinks like the, the rake, which is like the, the, the heart stuff.
Like it's a liquor. But very, very strong one. Okay. That they're making out of different fruits and Africa is one of the fruits that. For that. Yeah. All right. Now, you said the, you were near the border, near the, the Danby, was it near the Danby River? Mm-hmm. . Exactly. Did you ever, did you ever go across that river as a kid or when you were younger?
Just to go across the border and, and hang out in Romania? Actually, I did that after the EU came, like the union. It was in 2007. The first thing that they, that they went there because then after we, we all get Bulgaria and Romania into the European Union. It was very, very popular. Like to, to go across the border.
So many Bulgarian and especially guys from Russa were going there. It's just a, a bridge where you, you just show your idea and you go on the other side of the bridge. And before that, it was not that easy. Like before 2007, you had to have some special passports and stuff. Yeah. So that's why we, we didn't hang out that much, but after we had this, like the, the border was open in 2007.
There are many, many people traveling and actually the business between vulgar and Romano start, start moving. Like, uh, it was an exchange for manpower. It was exchange of business ideas. Yeah. So, yeah, I think it's, it's, it's very good that there is a cooperation between our two countries. Yeah, absolutely.
It's always good to see when there's a good trading partners right on the other side of the border. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. We are working very much personally, myself and the , my company. Working with Romanian companies as well. Okay. All right. Next question for you as a kid. Did, uh, did you know who you wanted to be when you were growing up?
Or did, did you know that you were gonna create your own company? Yes, and yes and no. First I wanted to be a pilot, like very much. Mm-hmm. , every time that we went to that, we came to seia that back. My first like willing, was to go to the airport and to watch for the airplanes and to, to watch the, the pilots that were coming outside of the airport.
And I was imagining myself like to, to be one of them, but they didn't go through that because I'm very tall, like I'm almost to meet. So that was the first stoppage, but, but still, yeah. I, I, I wanted, As I told you with the apricots, maybe since my young cages, I wanted to have some something on like to, to not to be, not to relying on somebody else, but to, to develop the whole thing by myself and my by my partners, maybe my friends then.
So yes, I think that even throughout the childhood, what. What I'm always saying is that man is, Each of us has been born as an I entrepreneur, but some of us has developed this throughout the years, and some of them, you know, because when I look at my girl now, I, I have a girl, she's six and. During her, her growing.
I see that even she's five or six, she can achieve what she wants. Like this is like the, the, it doesn't matter what, what type of instruments she's using, either crying or streaming or whatever. At the end, she's trying to get. What she wants. And this is like the, the main thing that each interpreter is doing.
Like he's getting what, what she want. So that's why I, I, I always say that we are born like that and we need just to develop it throughout the years. Yeah. Yeah. I know my, my daughter, her tactic for trying to get what she wants is laying on the floor and kicking and screaming and crying. You know, she's, whoa.
She's two . Yeah. The younger there, the stronger instrument, please. Exactly. , Yeah. The stronger tactics they apply. Yeah, absolutely. That's there. Yeah. Okay. Now, Yesin, what was your early career path like, and, and do you have any memorable or, or even embarrassing experiences early in your career? Hmm. So after I left Jerusalem, my hometown, I went for my studies in a.
Which is the biggest CT on the seaside. Mm-hmm. . And there I was in the economic university and I was studying like international business and entrepreneurship and interesting thing over there. It was that my job back then was a driver. I was. So keen in driving cars and I, I found the perfect job for me, which was rent a car driver.
And all the cars there were brand new. So brand new Mercedeses, brand new BMW was everything. Like, it was super, super nice to, to have that job. And I was driving cars like. All, all year long. Not only the summer, especially in the summer, it was like the hardest, the hardest, the busiest period. But I had this job for two years and interesting over there was that one of my last customers actually, because we had this also driving, uh, services like.
Not only to rent the car, but to rent the car together with the driver. And we had a special client coming from Austria, which turned to be my future boss and my future mentor. Like he, he, he helped me through a lot and that was the owner of a huge international company like Family Austrian family company, dealing with all type of woods wooden material and like everything made out of.
For furniture, for constructions. They had warehouses in 14 countries in Europe and they wanted to open a new one in Bulgaria as well. So they landed in Barma and we had a tour for five days together. I showed them around like they had some spots where they needed to, to, to buy and, and it. The last day, like it was five days trip on the last day, he, he said, Okay, join us on the table, like be our guest in with our last lunch.
And we had a chat for a couple of hours about myself. But until then, nothing like, we did not speak at all this five days. I was just a driver. And then when I sat next to him, we, we had a chat. Many, many hours. And at the end of this talk he invited me to, to come with them back to Vienna, to Austria, where I was an intern for one year.
And one year later they dropped me back to Bulgaria, to Sofia, where we created like the branch, the, the Bulgarian branch. And I, I was so head of. And yeah, that was like super, super important for my, my career pattern, for my developing, because like I saw from first, first place from first sight how one international business is growing by, by developing the new, new branch and all, all, all that we did together with Modern was.
Really, I, I had him like, like my very close friend who helped me in a, in a way, you know, the, the time when people were graduating, they, they even don't know what to do. And my, it was the same with myself. Like I, I said, Okay. I don't want to be a guy that doesn't know what to do after the graduation. So what I wanted to achieve is to go somewhere abroad, to have some training or something, and then to come back with all the ideas and know all the, the knowledgement that they can get abroad and develop it here in Bulgaria.
And this is exactly what happened actually, because the more you want something, the more faster it comes to you. And it, it happens like that, you know, the things where. You just imagine it very hard, very, very strong and very deeply. And then one day they, they suddenly happen. And you have to know that it's not on coincidence, but it's just you brought it to yourself.
Yeah. Send, This is a fairy tell type story. It is. I have to tell you, I haven't heard a story like this ever since I started interviewing startup founders. So a few questions for you as you're telling me the story. The first thing I thought of is, Do you think there was something you did in how you conducted yourself first to get invited to the table and then second during that conversation?
Do you think there was something that impressed him or convinced him to take a chance on you to be invited to go to Vienna and be an intern for one year? When you look back on those experiences, was there something that caught his eye? Mm-hmm. , I have thought like, And we have spoken with with him about that.
And what he said is, uh, was that like I did my regular job. I was staying in the car while they were, they, they had their meetings. I was super, super, super friendly with them, like super punctual. Like every time you have to be on the right time on the right place, you have to be like very, very gentle with the, the whole that there were six people, like we had a mini.
And we were riding around, so there were a huge delegation, six or seven people at Delta level. And he, he said exactly that, that the, the, that friend ship mess or, I don't know how to say exactly like the, not the regular driver that is like staying set and, Okay, this is my another boring day here, driving around, but.
Right, the opposites. I was speaking to one of their, one of the guys in the company. I was asking questions, What are they doing? What, what? And then maybe, maybe this, like, it's a combination of not only thing, but it's, it's a matter of how you react with people. Like, it's just a personal, personal touch. And I did that like throughout the years.
It doesn't matter whether it's a partner or client or an employee or a boss or whoever, like it's, it's always the same. I try to to be friends and. To group friends with them and to be like somebody that they can trust and then they really can have, can, can give them the opportunity to develop themselves as, as it was with Han.
Like that. Okay. Okay. Now, you were with this company for a number of years and what were the, some of the key things that, that you felt like, Hey, I'm really good at this particular. Part of the business? Was it like finance? Was it sales? You know, as you're running the show in Bulgaria for this international company, what did you, what did you, what are you good at?
Did you discover something that, Hey, I'm really good at this? Yeah. The, the, how you say exactly like answer before the communication with, with the people in the company. Like, I don't want to say that I was a good manager. Because maybe the people should say that, but from what I've seen when I left the company, like call the good goodbyes and cranks and everything that, that I get from my, my, my guys over there.
I, I really try to be good in that. Like I'm, I'm always a sales guy. Sales type of guy, like this is, this is my strongest power, I think. But the sales is not more than communication and not more than just the relationship with with the other part. So maybe that's the thing that I can say that I'm strongest in.
Okay. Okay. Now, what were some aha moments while you were working at this company as it relates to furniture and eventually starting your own business? Many aha moments. Actually, during this, during my, my job over there, I had another, another project. We were installing deck deck systems, like around pools and everything, and I thought to myself, Okay, I have the decking, I have the clients.
What I am missing is only the installation teams, so. Then I did the company that it was doing the installation of the king systems. So that was one of the aha moments. And another thing is like I always wanted to, it was like very easy for me to work there because I had all the privileges and all.
Everything, like very, very well positioned job like with salary, good salary with in company cars and everything like, but they didn't feel a hundred percent fulfilled from that. Like I wanted not only to be the manager, but to, to be the, the strategist, to be the guy that is like developing the whole thing and see how the impact is coming after.
After you created your own thing. That's why. Maybe I was always trying to combine my like full-time job with my some, some types of site project . And in 2013 was the biggest aha moment when I was selected together with another 30 people from Bulgaria to go to an MBA program in the States. And I said that this will be the milestone, which shows me that I need to quit and that after I.
After I came back from the States in 2014, the beginning, then I, I quit and then I tried to expand with, with and with my, my brand. Okay. What, which a MBA program was this and where was it at? It was like not the regular MBA program. It was a program called Summer Entrepreneurship Program, which was targeting the.
Bulgar students, and as you can imagine, I was not a student over there, but then applied for another master degree here in Sehi in one private university just to have the statement that I am a student. So together with this statement, I covered all that. Exams and essays and toil and whatever, like many, many different stages was the, the, the whole competition.
And then finally we had this five week, five week staying in New York, Boston, and San Francisco at Palo Alto, where we had like this, It was amazing, mate. It was like one. Really one time is one . It was once you have this in your wife, it's life changing. Like Yeah. In my eyes because we, we had the, the chance to meet founders and executives of, uh, like, you name it, Dropbox, Google, and it bs a university.
Like we had our, our studies, which is number one university for entrepreneurship in, in the state still. And the idea there, Those 30 people to divide themselves into six teams of five people each, and for the five weeks to develop on a to developers the team, then to develop the idea inside the team, and then the whole business model and visibility analysis and financial analysis, everything.
And then at the end, from week five to present it in front of a real VC partners in Palo. Which is like the first touch, my first touch with, with investors and venture capital at all. So it was mind blowing really. Then I saw Tela for first time. It was the, the, the car, the Tesla car was just invented like in 2012, and then in 2013 I already was riding next to my investor.
So it was, it was really mind, mind blowing event. And after I came back, actually over there, I met my co-founder. And after we, we came back to Bulgaria, I gathered them together and then we started this scale. Okay. Was a square form, Was the idea form during this program, was that the idea that you and your teammates came up with or was it a separate idea afterwards?
No, it was like, first we created the team and then we created the idea and. Interesting thing is that we were not together in the same team. I mean, during our studies in the states with okay, my co-founders. But the good thing over there is that we were living together in like in either in a hotel or in executive MBA places.
And during this thing together, I could feel that these guys are like my, my type of blood. And then I decided after we came back to Bulgaria that I will call. Who was like one of the two co-founders. Then we sat together with him and we, we said, Okay, let's invite an Elena too, which is like another super girl, which, uh, and three of us, we started like thinking, okay.
We have the knowledge, now let's, let's do the startup. And it was not as career. The first thing that we thought about it was like, what was it? It was more social entrepreneurship like we wanted to, to help the Bulgarian TRAs. Because Inia, we have many TRAs that are stopping just right in the middle of the street and people are going, Yeah, from the pavement to the, to the tram.
You see, you see a lot of that here in BUAs too. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And there were no signal at all. Like a TRA is just stopping and then doors opening and. It's great. Yeah. It's like that here, . Yeah. Yeah. And it, it's a super simple idea that we want to put just a sign bus. Bus sign. Like the states, You remember where the school buses have this stop sign?
Yeah. No. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's super simple idea. And then we went to the mayor, to the head of the transport, to the head. Whatever, and we, we hit so many rocks and we social entrepreneurship in Bulgaria, Ruby, hard . Let's, let's, let's try something profitable, and Okay then back then I remember about the place in the.
Boston. It was in Boston, I think, where we were in a huge accelerator called Mass Challenge, and they had like wall walls covered with markers. Everywhere was, yeah, the written walls. Initially I thought to myself, Okay, the Americans are going mad and they're just writing on the course . But then I realized that it.
Some special type of coverage that, that allows you to erase these markers. Yeah. And then I remembered about this product. I said that maybe that will be great to, to have this type of thing secure in, uh, not only Bulgaria, but this part of Europe. And Atlanta, my co-founders were also happy with, with the idea.
And then we, this is how we started actually digging into a trail. Okay. It was one year or something until we found out Mano, who was our four co-founder, who is actually the guy with the chemistry, with the formulas. Okay. And four of us, we created really amazing team, which we presented in, in front of investors.
But it was tough. It was really. Like one year and more, and one year after we came back from Bulgaria, we had nothing. Like we, we were just investing our money and time. Yeah. And it, it, it pays off. So, uh, tell, tell me about your first, your first investor. What was that experience like? And . When did it happen?
How many months or years after you guys actually started working on ES Grail? Yeah. It, it, it started like since day one. Actually, we didn't have any product when we went to our investors. They are. Called 11, like the most amazing, the venture capitalists in Bulgaria for sure, like 11 is one of the first funds that were created in thousand and 10 or something like that.
And back then, in 2010, 13, it was very, very like the, it was booming, the whole ecosystem, the first startups of Europe, and then we were in, in this e ecosystem as well, without being a. What was the good thing is that we knew a people. We knew a guy that was working for this venture fund that introduced us without having anything.
Like we didn't have the paint, we didn't have just the idea and the team. And they said, Okay guys, you're very nice . You look smart enough, but you don't have anything with, Because we said we want to find this bank somewhere abroad. Yeah, bring it here and just to, to, to sell it. Yeah. They said you need to have something like inte intellectual property inside the team.
So you need to find somebody that wants to, to, to make this paint. Yeah. To produce it yourselves. And that's why we found, Okay. Then we start searching for. Mano who we found one year later. But yeah, we, we started even before we had a product to speak with them and they said many times that our persistence, because we, we've met them like one and the same team, one and the same investor for.
Maybe four or five meetings before we had like talks about, about invest. You were super. Okay, I want to to come to your webinars. Not webinars, but back then it was seminars. We want to be like super and yeah, this is, this is how we started with them. Like we started speaking. In 2014 and we had been invested in April, 2015, so Okay.
One year. Yeah. Okay. Was it hard convincing Mano to join the team and, and buy into the vision? Uh, we, we were lucky because Mano is a guy that was really experienced. He had more than 20 years in paint production, but, you know, he was in this type this time of his development where he was doing. Each and every day the same paints like for many, many, many years.
And he was so bored and he, he just wanted to have something new. And it was like right time, right, Right fall, right place, right time. Because we were in a position where we needed somebody that knows how to do it, which is not easy to, to find. Something like that. Yeah. Yeah. And then he was in a position where he was really bored of what he's doing, and he wanted to hit some new challenges in front of him.
So it was very, very nice to get together with with him. But as I said, it was one year of struggling and speaking to many like him. Like he was not the first, of course, that we spoke to. Yeah. But none of them either. Or could make it, but he, he had this, like this, 2, 2, 2 strong positions where he made it and he wanted to be part with him.
Okay. All right. And yeah, already seven, seven years on the market. Yeah. Okay. Now, what inspired the name of Esri? It was different before when we started we said, Okay, we are Bulgarian. We will have Bulgarian name. But you know that , the Bulgarian language is like nothing in common with any other language in, in Europe, and it was called Bo Nabu, which means modern saying.
And the domain name was also super unusual. So we decided, okay, from Bona we are going to wonder scene. So first it was Wonder Pain. Okay. But then we decided that we don't want to keep pain in the, in the name because we, we tried to fight against that feeling that we are a pain. Cause we are, Yes it is. It is sustained.
With special functionality. Right. Okay. The wayand, it's a faint, Everybody compar is comparing it to another regular paint and, but we didn't want that, so we removed the paint and then we said, Okay, we're going to, It was huge brainstorming. I remember we for many days, but at the end of the day, Means you create from Latin.
Okay? And this is exactly what you do with, with our product. You create on your walls. Awesome. Awesome. Is a SRE focused specifically in in large companies, in the businesses of large companies or schools or any other sort of institutions? Like what's your primary focus? It, it is like as you, as you imagine it is applicable in any of these institutions, it's super useful at home, super useful at school in university.
But what we found out is like the lowest hanging fruits are the office office buildings and their talents. Because back then in 2015, it was the, the co not coworking spaces, but the office buildings and this. Many international companies and really massive structures like sap, H p, Ingram Micro, they, they.
They were coming to seia and they were renting huge opposite. And the good thing back then was that we were exactly on the same, the right, right place because our product became very, very fast, very trendy. Like it's one small market with not that many buildings. We covered most of them, so it, it became really like a, And then we said, Okay, we covered the buildings here, let's go to Romania, because that was the cloud market.
Yeah. So in 2016, we were already in the Romanian market as well. Okay. All right. Now what's next for you personally? Yesin? Hm? For me personally? Mm-hmm. like. I want to develop to the place where it's, it's almost automatic business. Like we, we are already almost there because I have great team and they, all of them is already a position where, oh, they, they all know what, what, what they are doing and how to grow the business.
So, I observe now, is that my presence here? It's important of course, but what I try to do is to delegate as much as possible and then I'm trying to focus more on the strategy and on the next big things like new products, new markets, new businesses. Okay. Are there are, are there any trends that you're seeing when it comes to office furniture that will continue to gain traction over the next few?
Yes. And interesting thing about what I am interested in is not that much about the office furniture itself, but about the sustainability right now. Okay. We, we developed a product that is called the Clean Air, which is a paint that purifies the air in the room and that is absorbing CO2 from the air, which is like, Really revolution and what we are trying now to Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Yeah, send. Yeah. Repeat that one more time because I wasn't clear. You have this beautiful video on the website and it's a picture of this guy. He closes his laptop. He goes to the whiteboard. The whiteboard falls down, he writes the word co2 and then he crosses a line through that. And I thought this is an interesting video, but I didn't quite get it.
Can you explain one, one more time exactly what this product does? Yeah, actually that video has another story behind it, but I would not get into that. We, we became carbon neutral company last. That means that we have offset it all our carbon emissions that we did either from producing the pen delivery, the pen, then all employees.
And our team that has been, each of us is producing carbon footprint, right? So last year we decided that we are going to be the first carbon neutral whiteboard paint company and we, we offset all our carbon emissions and that's why we, we created this video to say that we are already carbon negative carbon.
Got you. Okay. But while we were doing that, we decided, okay, let's find a product that helps you. To go carbon neutral without even having this offset thing. And then we, we thought of a pain that after you apply this bed, it starts absorbing the CO2 from the air. Not only the co2, but all harmful cases that are in the air.
And this is how we are going to go not only carbon neutral, but carbon negative because one, we are already carbon neutral. And once we have this product running, like maybe many office buildings maybe or another, another, Commercial buildings to be paint, to be painted with that, and then we are going to get to the carbon negativity.
That's exciting. That is really awesome. Yes. In, yeah. Thank you. Very, very cool. Very cool. Okay. Is there a book or article or podcast, something that you've read that is impacted how you think and run your business? Yesin. Oh. Many of them, but most, most powerful and inciting was how to friends and influence the others.
Dale Carnegie. Dale Carnegie, that, Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's the thing. It, it, it's not about the business strategy that much, but it's about the, as I said at the beginning about the communication with with the others and about your behavior among the. Yeah, because I, I don't want to achieve the success just by myself, and I never put myself like the guy that brought the success, but it's my team.
It's always like that. Yeah. And this is, this is the book really, that I, I could read many times. No, it's on my shelf. I've probably looked at it many, many times and looked at the notes that I've written it. It should be a foundation for anybody, regardless if you're an entrepreneur or not. Okay. Now for some fun questions, just so that we can get to know your personality a little bit.
Yasin, does corn belong on pizza? Yeah, that's why, especially in the flour. I love corn flour.
Okay. Okay. Next question for you, What is a favorite TV show that you can watch again and again? Well, to be honest, I don't watch TVs and a TV show. You mean like this night shows? Or like, It could be series, It could be a series like on Netflix or HBO or Disney or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. I, I like, like the how to.
Not to be interested into something particular, but to be interested in good movies like the inspirational movies is something that I really love Soon. I, I watched this Elvis movie about Elvis. I've heard that was good. You see? Yeah. I haven't yet. It was good. It was good. My favorite actor was their Tom Hanks and yeah.
Interest. I tried to, to be in the shoes of, of, of this huge Larry huge guys Elvis. And in the before it was the Fred Mercury, the, the Rap Sudi. It was amazing movies. And this is inspiring actually not, not for specific TV show. Okay. Yeah, I have to watch it. Last question for you, Yasin. What is the most death defying act you've ever done?
Death Defy. I was bungee jumping. Okay. It was not defying and I, I, I, I'm like this type of person where I really ex, I'm excited about everything. That is fast. I'm snowboarding fast. I, I . I was jumping, I was like riding, What is it? This fast bikes. Not the choppers, but the, the one that you are driving on the PIs only.
Yeah. And yeah, this, this experiences bring me to life, but when I got my wife, I sold everything. Like I have just a cart now, and I, I keep on snowboarding, which is, which is during the winter types. But I left, uh, also in the summer. And this was the, the another summer that I couldn't serve. And I. Teach to learn surfing, which is something that I will do the whole summer maybe.
Cool. Well, I wanna learn snowboarding. I'm gonna try that this January and, and do it with my son, so hopefully, uh, we can in Bulgaria maybe, well, we'll probably start here in Romania, but I'm looking forward to it. Yeah. Oh yeah, yeah. I learned in 2016, it was already five, six years. That was, that is going to be the Oh, nose.
It was in 2010, actually, when I started snowboarding, so 12 years already on the Pissed Welcome. I will, I will bring you, I'll bring you some, Some off Offroad trips. . All right. Well, okay. I, I'll remember that. All right. Yeah. See, thank you so much for being on Innovators Collapse. This has been a pleasure for everybody listening.
Yeah, no. For everybody listening, I'm gonna put the links to Eseo and Ya's LinkedIn profile and the show notes s stay tune. Next week we're gonna haveto Yako on this show. He is a pro productivity and performance consultant for startups and a corporate teams, and for everybody listening, keep hustling out there.