Monika Paule

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CEO / Speaker / Innovations Expert / Entrepreneur

Dr. Monika Paulė is a professional Chief Executive Officer & Board Member with a long-term experience in Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals industries as well as Associated Professor & Technology Transfer expert in Academia. Currently Dr. Monika Paulė is acting as CEO at CasZyme, company which aims to develop new discoveries, innovative applications and top-quality research in the field of CRISPR based Molecular Tools. Also Dr. Monika Paulė is Co-Founder of EdTech company “Paulai Tech”, aiming at STEM Education & novel AI & AR based solutions.
Dr. Monika Paulė has acquired Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in 2017 focused in Social Sciences (Marketing) from Vilnius University, & Senior Executive Education degree from IESE Business School, University of Barcelona, Strathmore Business School, INCAE Business School & Heidelberg University in 2019. Dr. Monika Paulė has been teaching Marketing, International Business, Innovations, Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Management for undergraduate and post-graduate students for more than 10 years.
Dr. Monika Paulė also acts as Management Board Member at Lithuanian Biotechnology Association and is founder of social initiative “Women in Biotech”, as well as EIT Women Ambassador. She is an engaging Speaker, Moderator and Content Creator.

Aug. 4, 2022

Dr. Monika Paule on Biotech, Gene Editing Solutions, Running Two Star…

Hey ICL fans. This is a rebroadcast of one of our most popular episodes - a conversation with Dr. Monika Paule. Dr. Paule is a High-tech company founder of two innovative startups and is an Associated Professor & Technology T...

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Jan. 12, 2022

Trailblazing discoveries in Gene Editing Solutions

Dr. Monica Paule is a High-tech company founder of two innovative startups and is an Associated Professor & Technology Transfer expert in Academia. When not acting as the CEO at CasZyme, a company which aims to to develop new discoveries, …

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