Irma Lukoseviciene

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Over the past 15 years, I held a variety of Managerial positions in the Service‘s sector. This ranges from the Fitness industry through to Funeral business. I am an Experienced Customer Service, Sales, Operational' s Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the health wellness and fitness industry.
Recently I am the Founder of startup called Gen4Gen. We assist seniors with their daily tasks and companionship integrating students as service providers. We connect generations as the AgeTech industry is booming now.
I love kyokushin karate, riding horses and my "fetish" is reading medical drug prescriptions. And yes, I have a super power - I am an amazing networker.

March 16, 2022

Bringing the aging population back into the workforce – in a meaningf…

Retirement can be a scary thing. Without a sense of purpose, no real daily duties to attend to, and perhaps feeling unwanted, depression can sink in along with a host of other mental and health problems. Irma (Irma) Lukoseviciene is …

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